
12月10日优酷西服相片(1)!! 10 Dec great costume photos part 1

上:看看我的疯狂领带和西服套装! 下:也是这样的服装。好玩儿吧?

Above & Below: How do you like my new suit?? And the COW TONGUE'S SLICE TIE LOL!!! HAHAHA

Above: Voila!! Here's my new innovative ekit V520 Global Premium Service mobile phone! The only con is that this is NOT to be used in the States nor the Americas...but I CAN ALWAYS USE IT IN EUROPE AND CHINA!!!
Below: GMT+8= 8:24; 10 Dec 2010. Above: Wearing the embellished colour of red is always a charm!
Recently I just finished my final exams for my modules in college! Now I feel NOT relieved at all because now I have no idea what should I do!! I can't travel anywhere due to low budgets in my bank(I barely have about £175). There's no way for me to even afford the cheapest flight tickets for Air China. Hence, I feel very humiliated with NO INCOME AT ALL!! Nevermind with that. Here are the descriptions of the photos.
