
美好的圣诞晚餐party2 12/12 Wonderful Christmas Dinner party2

Above: Hannah, the organiser of the Christmas Dinner and I. She's awesome!
And your new host of the dance showcase on tonight's Christmas Dinner is....SIMON LIU of CHINA!!!
Berry & me; don't pay any attention to that unpleasant, gloomy lady.
Above: Romanian girl Gabriella & Romanian man Mario with me! We all just met and I felt happy.

American girl Shannon & me.

So this semester had finally came to an end!! I wrote 6 long, 2500-word essays for 3 of my history modules and completed all the hw. assign. for my Russian Language Module! I am officially free to party, go out, visit and explore LONDON AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! This is awesome!

Last Sat. I was in another Christmas Dinner party in which I ate much more and was inspired and welcomed by the people there! ELT Church is amazing! I would not forget all the great people I met over there! They are wonderful!
