12月1-3照片;教楼里,咖啡party与陵瞪豪市场 Photos of December 1, 2, 3 from corridor of building, cafe, & Leadenhall Market
Above & Below: @ Leadenhall Market! Great place for shops though it's quite crowded like Covent Garden.
2 more weeks 'til my departure day! I feel very cheerful to see mom and sis again. However, I really don't like to leave though because once I do, I'll not return perhaps forever! I don't know. I tried to get the best experience of it; tried to visit famous, attractive tour sites, tried to get up early on either Wed. or Thu. finally, I tried my BEST to conserve time and use it wisely because the only thing that I'm deprive of is TIME!!!!!!! THE FLOW OF TIME IS ALWAYS SO CRUEL; ONCE THE DAY IS OVER, THEN IS OVER!!! YOU CAN NEVER RECOVER THOSE TIMES THAT YOU'VE SPEND ON USELESS ACTIVITIES SUCH AS VISITING FACEBOOK, PLAYING VIDEOS GAMES, AND SIMPLY TAKING UNNECESSARY NAPS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS(yeah, and I'm guilty of near all of the above when I was 19. BUT NOT NOW)!! So at any case, I tried to do the best to maximize my time and use it wisely! I only have 2 more essays to write; I can do this!
GG...such a funny pose of me! Why did I do that?! Simple, I wanted to release the intensive stress out of me by doing that! It's a way to purge stress and preserve your happiness-laughter.
@ Cafe room, not exactly the best photo because I'm sitting on the sofa. Could have been better if I can stand and do some basics, patterns in salsa, waltz.
Above: Looking snazzy to the cam.
@ Cafe 2
Pretending to be a disk/frisbee thrower on the very top of the Queen's Building! BTW, I'm NOT mimicing a spin slash lol.
Not exactly my fav. photos but worth of taking since that day(12/1) I had no idea where can I take more photos except for here...I guess I should be more prepared next time.