Below: A very nice oil painting picture of the Big Ben Clock tower! Well done!
Below: That's the London Bridge!
All right then! All of my London trip photos had been uploaded on my blog!! So I don't have anymore photos from there now. But for my safe return, my sis decided to take me lots of photos & commemorate all the happy times that I had while studying abroad there! So here we go with the descriptions again.

Above & Below: This is perhaps the most precious souvenir item to have: The crystal Big Ben Model celebrating 150 years of Big Ben!! 1859-2009!!

Above: Lol with the orange...
Below: Wonderful London picture frames! Also check out my QMUL blue t-shirt! I got it for free! Is it nice?
Now I know a lot of you who didn't go to London are jealous of me because I definitely had the best time in my life while you're doing all the tedious, commonplace things everyday. But I suggest u to be open & get a life. If u can't take it, then u don't have to look on my blogs and compare me to what u had! Do u honestly thought this trip was easy for me?! Oh no! I'm from a lower class family, and for someone like me to go to London was a dream in a thousand years!!! So u shouldn't be so jealous. Well whatever, if u r jealous then so be it cause that ain't my problem. Farewell!