Victoria公园礼花(11/7)与大英博物馆(11/11) Last photo of Victoria Park's fireworks & British Museum tour!
Above: Me in the Egyptian section of the exhibits-ground level.
Above & Below: Posing by the "Moai" Monuments aka, "The gum gum lovers"!!! Why?! If you've seen "Night @ the museum 1&2", you'll know that they talk @ night asking Ben Stiller for gum gums lol lol...
Hahaha!!! I forgot to tell you guys that I went to the famous British Museum on Wed!! Though I went there all by myself, I still enjoyed every moment there! It was raining but I managed to get there by noon, when it wasn't raining. So I stayed there for 3 hours touring around the various exhibits available. Of course, the cost is free!! Isn't the best deal to go to a museum for free?!?! At any case, I took many photos while there. It was such a fantastic idea to take 2 or 3 days off and dedicated to unique, unforgettable moments such as going to a museum or simply tour around London! So that's what I did on Wed. 
Above 2: In the Chinese exhibit section of the museum! Wonderfully written poetry & the valuable items from the Zhou Dynasty(of course, it includes the Budda).
Above: 葫芦 Hu Lu, which translated as the "gourd", this is a huge one!
Above: In the Roman exhibit section of the museum. This monument reminds me of the sacred fountain of the west. Don't ask me why. 
Above 2: Egyptian monuments of course; ancient symbols of writing & the statues of the pharaohs.
Above: Looks like either David or Julius Caesar was quartered by the bookstore lol.
Mayans totem poles. Don't they look tall?
Stairs leading to the Upper levels of the Museum. 
Above 2: Entrance to the British Museum!! Looking very Roman and historical. It was such a good idea to go because it wasn't very crowded and it felt fairly cool right before the rain.
Sorry, this firework photo should have been with the previous blog. But I found this to be the best 1 because just by looking @ this, you know it's unique!! At any case, I felt very happy today as well because I went to Covent Garden/Market and took many photos too! I shall upload 'em next week or so because I got to finish my assignments for classes for the weekend. So cheers!