十二月照片2-圣诞节Party December photos-Christmas Party
More Photos from December! First 5 photos except for #2 it's me @ home on finals weekend(taken on 12/7). I went home mainly because I thought there's a party in town but it was cancelled so I dedicated my time for finishing my essay compositions instead. My red pattern sweater it's charming isn't? #4 it's me eating a pie that my mom made for me then #5 it's starbucks coffee...I'd prefer green tea or something warm on a cold day... Photo 2 it's after my finals on 12/9! I was so relieved after the relentless amount of words and efforts in my essay regarding Imperial Rule of Russia and Emancipation of serfs/revolution of 1905 era led to decline of Romanov Dynasty and the assassination of Czar Nicholas II and his family by the Bolsheviks... Ok, no more history so I brandished my notebook that I purchased @ Saddleback College, the planner which was free, and my music binder with blue-inked pens. Pretty fun in the room full of light with no one bothering me. My recommendation for students: Find a calm study room in which no one is in then do your work regardless of how it looks like(evening a dining room table would work). 

2nd half of my photos are taken @ a Christmas Party of International Student Christian club on 12/3. And @ home 12/6 for showing the gifts that I received from the party. 1st 2 are my doll decoration for Christmas; I made a very peculiar face for this doll. It has a green feather as a symbol for nature? But I really had no idea how I made this toy...photos 3,4 are my presents. I received a bag of chips and candy; then in the long cylinder are more gum candy. Man, I can't get rid of 'em. Finally it's Mitch and me, one of the organizers of the party, photo. Looks like Mitch it's surprised to see me so he made that face lol. 
