Below: Electric guitars for jam sessions along with the long green surf board from the early 20th century.

Above: Surf Pioneers and Surfing culture in portraits and frames. These frames emphasised some of the famous surfers throughout the world.
Below: Numerous trophies from surf pioneers and professionals.
On Sat 30 Oct 2010, I took the bus to Huntington Beach and toured around the city centre. This little town was considered "Surf City" because many of its inhabitants love to surf in the ocean and have a pleasant time doing so. Why did I decide to go? Well, apparently NOT for surfing in the sea. However, for the Surfing Museum in the city centre!! The museum was a diminutive version of a surfing house. Its housed many of the trophies, surf boards, decorations, videos about surfing and other related sources. What's the best part was that IT WAS FREE!! I was introduced to come here by MYISIC, the International Student Identity Card site. Hence, wanted to experience what it will be to discover the history of surfing. At any case, I really enjoyed my time being there! Not to mention I met 5 British subjects while waiting for the return bus. They are from Manchester, Bath, and London. We had a good time chatting about life in London, England, and life out here. That day was an amazing day for me.