This is my blogspot! Please take a good look and enjoy! 欢迎来到我的博客网站! 请查看吧。 Simon Liu's Special Days: August 12, August 20(both are symmetrical days; one is my birthdate!); August 26, 27; September 7(anniversary/birthday of my journal!); September 11(Tan Jing's Birthday); September 12, 15, 23, 27; October 7(jour de l'ocean!), 15, 21, 28; November 4, 7, 19, 27(Raphael's Birthdate);December 2, 3, 11, 12 December 28(Richard Clayderman's Birthdate!!); December 31(New Year's Eve!)
罗法要生日照片1 27Nov photos(1)
11月20照片红绿蓝。20 Nov photos...Red, Green, Blue
Apparently the photos that I took this year on 20 November was no match to the photos that I took on 20 Nov 2009(last year). I was in Edinburgh, Scotland last year thus took so much more wonderful, scenic, majestic photos! This year however, I'm freaking stuck in this little shanty town without any friends to contact me! Moreover, the irritant/pressure of hatred grows within me. Hence, I began to hate living in Irvine, and particularly, the States! Honestly, I need to find my niche in a brand new way! Help me for guidance, anyone?!
不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利! 将来就是瓦西理的台词:面包会有的,牛奶会有的,一切都会有的!
11月16日照片可口脆笛酥 16Nov Delicious Wafer sticks
Below: Let's chew on one of them and see how it tastes! Very chocolaty and sweet!
Below: I'm CAPTAIN JONES! No...just fooling around with the cigar-like wafer stick.
Recently I was very tired because of my new job. I had to start making appointments and complete my training courses as soon and as much as I can to obtain a decent salary for my effort. Nevertheless, I still try to do the best I can at updating info on blogs and write my journals. So I felt very overwhelmed by these pressures. But I need to adhere to the environment in which I'm living in and do the best I can to ensure my success in this crappy living environment!
11月12日水果疏菜相片 12NOV produce photos
11月12日脸面相片 12NOV Facial shots
Another blog, another day, another memory, another hope. Really fatiguing day today. Back pain started to hurt me like can I endure under this condition?
11月11日照片 手表与运气 11NOV photos! Luck& Watch
Above: Waving my nation's flag in a speed shot!

Above & Below: GMT+8=9:25 morning 11Nov
Recently I've been quite busy yet bored. I'm bored because I still couldn't find a suitable job. I'm busy because I'm trying to find it. Even with all the interviews booked, these employers still doesn't pick me to be the right candidate! Pathetic huh. I really don't know what should I do...必须要咬紧牙关走下去才行。
11月5与11月7个人相片小食品 5Nov & 7Nov personal photos with Junk food
Below: Nothing too special...wanted to buy Jasmine Tea for the upcoming week!
Firstly, I'd proudly announce that the Guangzhou Asian Games Opening Ceremony will be hosted tonight @ 20:00 GMT+8 Beijing Time!! Please watch it if you can! It's definitely worth to watch something ecstatic and amazing! It's a wonderful time for us to watch this ceremony! I'm proud to be a Chinese, yeah!!
One more thing, today is my 1 year anniversaire visiting COVENT GARDEN IN LONDON!! BACK THEN WAS AN UNFORGETTABLE AND BLESSING TIME @ THE PLACE! Love it! Hope I can visit there in the future too!
11月3日,11月4日照片 3Nov, 4Nov photose
Below: Never gets old to take the same shots.

Above: Starfruit Juice! One of the most sweet and special fruits in the world!
Below: Looking handsome for a pose.

Above: Photos from 3 Nov & 4 Nov.
Above: Photos from 3 Nov & 4 Nov.
I'd like to announce that I can't go visit China in December this year due to my low funds and possibly debts. I know it's such a shame for me to carry all these rubbish and stress. But there's nothing I can do, really but to cope with the stress that freaking nature caused for me! Well, couldn't go back home truly devastated me! I simply want to visit great places and hopefully meet new friends. Unfortunately, everything was ruined!!! I'm very livid and frustrated now!
Upcoming Events:
16 Dec-17 Dec Classes End and Semester End
18Dec-31 Dec Plan for a new career and search desperately for internships etc hopefully can travel to China and England or Europe in Autumn of 2011!!
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