
又上课了,心情。School again/mood

As many of you know if you read my schedule, I'm currently taking a summer class @ UCLA, a history module that I need to complete for the B.A degree. So I feel a bit busy at the moment but I think it's very beneficial since I'm NOT yet employed. I know it's so frustrating to be like this but I can't do anything about it...very sad.

I recently become happier because of school, a new plan for my career, and friends' support! I think I'll become even happier in the upcoming months because I will be taking my Travel/Tourism modules! I love travelling so much that I'd travel around the world all the time and learn about other cultures. I hope one day I can become a travel/tour guide or an airline staff(agents) etc.

Without any further a due, here are my new schedule & events:

21 June--28 July: Summer session module period
11 August--28 August: China trip! To Beijing, Shenyang, & Shanghai
30 August--15 December: Taking Travel/Tourism courses @ local college & work
16 December--31 December: Return to China again! To Beijing, Harbin, Xi'an, Chengdu and other great cities.
