So my vacation had official begun!! Classes are over, and I'm about to have fun! Some announcements:
Due to budget and financial issues, this year I can't travel to China in September. Yeah, I'm really running low on cash right now and must save as much as I can for my Study Abroad Program. It's very distressing for me now; nevertheless, I shall travel there next year.
Next, my sis is coming back to town!! Yeah, it's finally time to hang out with her sometime since I really missed her! She's awesome!
Then I hope Promenade Dance Studio's "zoning problems" gets squared away so I can return to finish my lessons!
Finally, I'm very blessed to meet a new French friend(mon copain francais)! He's Christophe from Bordeaux! He worked in Shanghai上海 last year and came here briefly to study. He will return to France in autumn. So good luck to you Christophe!
Upcoming events:
August 1-September 18: Classes end! PARTY! Go to the Beach, Promenade Dance Studio for lessons, possibly work, learn Russian & French, practice writing Chinese of course, and date with girls if I'm lucky!
September 19: Leave U.S. for Queen Mary University of London for my study abroad program.
September 20-Dec 22: In London, classes start Sep. 23. Then tour the city and travel around Europe!
December 23: Return home to U.S.
December 24-31: Get unfinished businesses squared away; find a job again...