This is my blogspot! Please take a good look and enjoy! 欢迎来到我的博客网站! 请查看吧。 Simon Liu's Special Days: August 12, August 20(both are symmetrical days; one is my birthdate!); August 26, 27; September 7(anniversary/birthday of my journal!); September 11(Tan Jing's Birthday); September 12, 15, 23, 27; October 7(jour de l'ocean!), 15, 21, 28; November 4, 7, 19, 27(Raphael's Birthdate);December 2, 3, 11, 12 December 28(Richard Clayderman's Birthdate!!); December 31(New Year's Eve!)
个人照片10月26与27 Self Photos 26 Oct, 27 Oct
万圣节快乐!Happy Halloween!
Halloween is again here! This year during this day I plan to rest and watch a good horror but nice-ending film. Today and yesterday however were my most fatiguing days! Yesterday I took the bus all the way to Saddleback College for a job interview then came back under the sun. The journey costed me $4 for the bus pass and 5 HOURS OR MORE!!! Waiting for the bus sometimes is always painful especially when the frequency of arrival is way to little meaning we wait each bus for at least 30-60 mins! So I technically wasted about 2 hours to wait. Today nevertheless, was different. Although I still took the bus and nearly "wasted" 1 hour; I went to Huntington Beach therefore, wasn't quite a waste of time because during the waiting time, I can take photos of the beach and go hang out around the shops. Furthermore, I actually met 5 Britons waiting the bus with me for a total of 55 mins or so!! We chatted then left; they're friendly and amazing people! I hope to meet more people like them soon.
特殊文件博客 作业 Special Blog of Worksheets 29 Oct 2010
Here are the worksheets from my travel/tourism class. I decided to post 'em here for one purpose-retrieval. This is to prevent losing my important worksheets. I didn't copy them but took these photos to keep 'em in a save and special spot. Of course they are already stored in my email and other photo programmes.
10月21与10月23个人照片 Personal Photo 21 Oct, 23 Oct
10月20 20快乐日(2)20 Oct Happy 20 day!
10月18与10月20 20快乐日(1) 18 Oct 20 Oct Happy 20 day!
10月12&10月15 12,15幸运日相片 12OCT 15OCT photos
Below: Camera shy in a way...It's all right!
Here are more photos of me in Red! Not exactly the best photos because I'm stuck in this stupid place that I really hate. But what can I do now? Still can't find a job, no good relations with the environment and the people around me. All stress that's what!
剩下的10月7日照片Remaining of 7Oct photos
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