This is my blogspot! Please take a good look and enjoy! 欢迎来到我的博客网站! 请查看吧。 Simon Liu's Special Days: August 12, August 20(both are symmetrical days; one is my birthdate!); August 26, 27; September 7(anniversary/birthday of my journal!); September 11(Tan Jing's Birthday); September 12, 15, 23, 27; October 7(jour de l'ocean!), 15, 21, 28; November 4, 7, 19, 27(Raphael's Birthdate);December 2, 3, 11, 12 December 28(Richard Clayderman's Birthdate!!); December 31(New Year's Eve!)
Next 2 photos are photos in the hotel(9/9/08); I wanted to take good photos so I set the cam on self-timer mode and voila, my handsome pics!
Cold Korean noodles are always a very handy meal in the summer; this noodle tastes quite sweet and sour. Not a lot of salt was added in the noodle but kimchi cabbage and a few slices of pork were added. Anyways, it tasted delicious. I also ate a piece of the dog meat; don't get me wrong ladies, I ate it because I like the protein and the nutrients of it, NOT because I hate dogs. I mean you guys ate cows, sheeps, chicken, fish, and pigs! That would hurt for the animals to die for the flesh they give doesn't it?
Finally it's my new photo @ 北陵公园 North dynasty park. This is a very historical place for me to visit. As usual, I visited here as a child and love it! I'll show you more on this in my next blog.
China's photo 5 中国沈阳照片
2nd photo it's @ South Lake Park; the beautiful image of the lake it's very dignified! You can also see the TV Broadcast tower on the left side of the photo.
Next it's also in the park; I pretended to toss a net and getting ready to catch the load of fish in the lake. Yes, in the park a lot of fishermen are here to fish. In fact, I saw one caught about 10 fish in one net! You're allowed to use your nets here. But NEVER in US.
Then there's me posing by the ginger like hill. (9/8)Yes, that's a good statue, not exactly a mountain.
China's photo 4
This one it's me standing on the shores of the river that leads to the
TV Broadcast tower(9/7). The willow trees once again acted as a charm for me. I know that since I was under the shade, the photo didn't came out as light. But hey, the landscape it's majestic and that's what I'm concerned about!
The TV Broadcast tower of Shenyang 沈阳 during the day(9/7). You can see there are Chinese characters on the pillar. It implies a brand of beer that's commonly drank by people: Snowflake beer of Shenyang. This is also the beer that I consumed during one of the dinners. Yes, it's legal for me to drink there.
My dad in the restaurant during breakfast(9/7).
Breakfast for Sep. 7, 2008. This tray was mine; I had 2 steamed buns on the right, seaweed, tofu thread, chopped long beans on the right of tofu thread and pickled veg. and sausage in between the buns and seaweed. It would probably gross you westerners out because you've never experienced such a meal for breakfast. Well whatever, I enjoyed eating it because I had porridge along with it so it tasted delicious regardless of the circumstances of eating your high-fructose sugary cereal with milk every morning. My point is: Try something new.
There's the TV Broadcast tower of 沈阳 again(9/7). This time it's the full-shot of the tower at night; what a beautiful scene!
The last 2 photos is @ 鲁迅公园(Lu Xun park 9/7). The statue of 鲁迅 looks quite philosophical; the characters on the left side of the wall depict the poem that he wrote: One thousand fingers could work as a team to overcome any obstacles as a weakened ox could ran his way to the finish!
China's photo 3
China photo continue
The closet desk it's in my grandaunt's house, my father's room. He used this desk since I was very young and it still implies a very memorable event in the past. I used to always climb on there and leap onto the floor or bed when I was young. Ha, guess I wasn't very mature...
New photos of September 2008! 九月照片(2)
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